Sports riddles, excerpts

Our favorite riddles from Everett’s, Sports Riddles:

Who won the Kentucky Derby in 1952? A horse
You bet twenty-five cents on football and the game is called off. What do you get? The quarterback.
Which of the witches is best at croquet? The wicket witch.
What position does Saint Nick play? Santa field.
What poet should you think about when you’re up at bat? Homer.
Why don’t tennis players make good friends? Because love means nothing to them.
What do champion golfers eat for breakfast? Wheat tees.
How do you make a tightrope? Dip the rope in whiskey.
What is the only street named after a prizefighter? Muhammad Alley.
Why did the base runner go to jail? He stole second.

And some of his favorites:

  • What has four legs and chases cats?
  • Mrs. Katz and her lawyer.